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Steamaway Blog

Dangers of Hiring the Wrong Carpet Cleaning Professional

With the busy schedules and fast paced lifestyles, a lot of homeowners nowadays just don’t have the time or the energy to clean their carpets themselves. But this doesn’t mean that you will just leave your carpet unkempt inside your home. One option that is becoming...

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Carpet Care Tips: Cleaning Up Lotion Stains on the Carpet

Lotion can be a really useful companion to help prevent your skin from becoming dry as well as having proper skin hygiene. Unfortunately, it can become a source of a carpet problem though as lotion spills on the carpet is one of the more common issues that homeowners...

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Eliminating Bacteria on Your Carpet

Bacteria is always something that you need to be aware of. It can be transmitted to you through touching dirty objects or even shaking hands with people. Sometimes though these bacteria are just hiding in our homes, just waiting for the right moment to strike and...

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Cleaning Up Soup Stains on Your Carpet

Soup is always a favorite companion to every meal. It is delicious and makes a nice comfort food on a cold, rainy night to keep you warm. The problem sometimes though is that accidents are possible and you can have a big spill on your carpet if you are not careful....

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