Commercial Carpet Cleaning
Commercial Carpet & Cleaning Services
in Omaha and Surrounding Areas
Carpet Cleaning / Repairs
Commercial Rugs / Mats
Upholstery Cleaning
Office Cubicle Cleaning
Competitive Pricing
24/7 Hour Water Extraction
We also specialize in the following:
Stretching||Transition Strips||Tack Strips||Patching||Dyeing||Red Stain Removal
Commercial Carpet Cleaning
From enhancing appearances to working as an air filter for you business, the carpet in your office serves a number of purposes. Because of this it is important to make sure it gets a proper cleaning on a regular basis. At Steam-A-Way our highly trained carpet cleaning technicians use state-of-the-art, truck mounted, hot water extraction carpet cleaning technology.
We also use the safest, most powerful products to get your commercial carpet the cleanest it can be. So you can rest assured that when you choose Steam-A-Way for your carpet cleaning needs, the job will get done the right way, the first time.
Call Steam-A-Way of Nebraska today to schedule your appointment.
(402) 331-1634
Apartment Carpet Cleaning in Omaha
Are you searching for the top rated commmercial carpet cleaning service in Omaha?
At Steam-A- Way of Nebraska we specialize in Commercial Properties and Apartment Complexes in particular. Each year we save property managers in Omaha thousands of dollars in carpet replacement costs with our professional carpet cleaning services.
Call today and let us put our experience to work for you.
(402) 331-1634
Residential Property Managers do you need to turn your apartments around quickly?
At Steam-A-Way of Nebraska we use our powerful, efficient truck-mounted system to extract the water used in the cleaning process so that your residential apartments will dry in less time. When combined with the correct drying conditions and our efficient air movers, your apartments are ready for your new residents in no time.

We Service All Types of Commerical Properties
Hotels & Motels
Dentist Offices
Conference Rooms
Office Buildings
Retail Stores
School Classrooms

Hotels & Motels

Dentist Offices

Conference Rooms

Office Buildings

Retail Stores


School Classrooms