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Steamaway Blog

Five Basic Carpet Cleaning Tips You Should Know

Cleaning the carpet is very important if you want to keep it beautiful, hygienic, and well-maintained. It is a continuous task which would which some may find difficulty in doing. Some carpet owners don’t really know the right way to go about cleaning their carpets...

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Removing Water Color Stains on Your Carpet

Water color is something that you do not want to have on your carpet. It can come in a variety of colors and can cause visible marks on your carpet. It is somewhat tough to remove which will really cause a headache to any carpet owner. Sometimes though you cannot...

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Cleaning Blood Stains on Your Carpet

One of the most difficult kinds of stains to have on your carpet is blood stains. Not only will it leave a visible red mark on your carpet fabric but it also is not easy to get out. Having that red blood stain, especially on white or light-colored carpets, can be a...

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Cleaning Lipstick Stains on Your Carpet

Lipstick is a very common accessory that is being used by countless women today. It adds beauty and improves a woman's look instantaneously if used the right way. It comes in various shades and can make a woman's lips jump out and grab attention. One place where you...

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Removing Fruit Juice From Your Carpet

Fruit juice is a healthy drink that everyone enjoys. It is not only refreshing but it is also good for the body. One place where it is not good for is on your carpet. Unfortunately, spills and accidents can occur and you may find yourself having to deal with grape or...

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